Diana Felix has been a lifelong resident of the City of Racine. After working for the City of Racine for 34 years, she has aligned herself with Coldwell Banker Realty who, like her, has been dedicated to the love of people. Diana is devoted to the service of her clients. Whether you're buying or selling, Diana's success in providing exemplary customer service has transitioned smoothly to helping with her client's real estate needs.
Diana's area of extensive knowledge includes Racine and Kenosha, two hidden gems tucked in between the hustle and bustle of Chicago and Milwaukee. If you're new to the area, whether you're interested in sports, theater, festivals, comedy, or music, Diana can tell you about the local small stage venues.
Coldwell Banker Realty, in every facet of the industry, sets the standard for innovation, expertise and support. Diana has been devoted to learning all the available platforms and is excited to use them, assisting her clients, as efficiently and seamlessly as possible, with their real estate needs.